The Spirit of Summer School

The spirit of the Ashtanga Yoga Summer School first spoke to me 8 years ago.

I was spending most of my time in the Netherlands, becoming increasingly dismayed by what I was seeing happening in the yoga world - a move from amateurism to professionalism, a move from sincerity to glossy image, a move from accessibility to exclusivity.

Something in me wanted to preserve the perceived innocence of the formative experiences I had been lucky to have as a beginner both in Europe and in India. With the development of the tools of social media, fine-honed by PR strategising, it seemed that yoga was very quickly being overtaken by an opportunistic capitalism wherein ‘teachers’ (I use the apostrophes purposefully) seemed driven more towards fame and fortune than integrity and ideals. I didn't want to be part of this competitive game.

I found it so disheartening to see the lifestyle that I loved (what had been a life-line in difficult times) being taken over by apparent corporate greed. That was when the spirit of Summer School whispered in my ear. Throughout the years I had been very lucky to have been taught generosity by those with whom I learned. When financial circumstances were tough they gave me the gift of yoga, asking nothing in return. Watching a Ted talk on ‘Giftvism’ (still worth watching), the way became clear.

Instead of traditional pricing, I asked for a stipulated minimum commitment and an anonymous donation given from the heart. What I learned from that experience was that we love to give. Freed from the necessity to use (what for me are) soul-destroying marketing methods to reel people in in order to part them from their dough, I could freely offer what I had to give without the need to live up to delivering value for money. I could just be me. In return I was overwhelmed by the generous response of attendees not just in their contributions but in the spirit we created together, the Spirit of Summer School.

And so this year will see a return to operating the Summer School in that original way. Together we will share experience and community in this most beautiful, magical part of the world. We will practice, chant, philosophise, climb, walk in the forest and by the sea, share food, be with friends old and new and have some fun! If you would like to be part of this energy applications are open. I look forward to seeing you here!

For more information go here.


Practice, practice, all is going…


Reflections from the Holy Mountain